Moon Viewing

Words: 2520
Rating: 10+
Warnings: Bugs (briefly), a few vaguely sexual comments
Notes: Again, it’s been a while! Retail hell makes writing regularly difficult. This one’s a commission from Jay, no setting or anything specified so I just went with what I wanted!


The night was calm, the sky clear, the stars bright. People filled the town square, merry and excited, everyone proud of work done well. The harvest was in, the storehouses full, and there was enough good weather that a few more vegetables might ripen before they frosted.

The backstreets were quiet, empty of beggars or thieves tonight. No one brought in laundry late on a festival night, or was fetching water for one last pot of tea. But there was one boy flitting through the shadows, careful not to get caught in the flickers of light from the central bonfire. He made his way to the well in the corner of town. Most nights, guards stopped there as they patrolled the walls, but now they were in the square with everyone else. It was perfect for a secret meeting.

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